Clogged tubes update
Good morning.
It looks like the tubes got unclogged over night, and I have been able to upload some pictures, so posts are forthcoming (see below, post dates correspond to days on which the rides took place). Perhaps it was the 5 inches rain that fell last night that cleaned them out. Who knows.
Check-out time is 11am, and I intend to make the most of it. After that, we will find out just how storm tight these Craft Storm Tights really are. Flash flood warnings in effect through Wednesday, heavy rain, thunderstorms, some severe. Sounds like a perfect day for a bike ride.
28.8.2007 - 20h28 - wenn alles gut geht! Juhu, hab gebucht. Freu mich auf die Tour, wo immer es hingehen sollte und werd´ ne Angelschnur mitbringen.
Schön, dass Du wieder posten konntest, hat Spaß gemacht die letzten Tage am Stück zu lesen. Gute Fahrt weiterhin und schöne Grüße aus der Lernhölle Straßburg!
- Basti
Sehr gut, habe ich im Kalender. Wieso so spaet? Ueberarbeite Dich nicht.
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